Monthly Cigar Subscriptions by Herf Harmony
Herf (noun): A gathering of smokers in one location. These gatherings are often referred to as cigar parties or get-togethers.
Welcome to Herf Harmony, where the art of cigar enjoyment meets the future of personalization. Our innovative subscription service harnesses the power of AI to curate a bespoke selection of premium cigars tailored to your unique flavor preferences. Each month, embark on a journey of discovery as you savor handpicked cigars that resonate with your palate, all delivered right to your doorstep. Join our community of aficionados and elevate your cigar experience with expertly chosen blends that promise to delight and surprise.
Each "Smoke Together" plan includes an invite to our monthly herf event within the DFW, Texas area.
Check out our monthly plans.
Using Technology to Find YOUR taste
As Generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen AI) continues to be a hot conversation topic, at Herf Harmony we found a way to use Gen AI to keep harmony. Just like fine wine, cigars get better with age, sometimes making it difficult to find your favorite cigar from a particular year or batch. Using GenAI, we have categorized cigars based on age and flavors to ensure that we send you cigars that match your preferences.